Shop Enterprise
Please select the plan that fits your vertical market or the nature of your business.
We are happy to help you with your specific iconicChat communication use case. In addition to our repository of thousands of visual icons, we can develop new ones for your company's specific communication needs.
We can also custom design them for you to reflect your company's identity, colors, and presence for additional charges.

With purchase of your plan, you currently get unlimited access to all iconicChat universal language visual icons.
Shop Enterprise
iconic Enterprise

For all businesses not within the available vertical market plans. These include all software, hardware, and Engineering companies and manufactures, construction, real estate, TV Networks, all manufacturing businesses and more. Contact us for more information.
iconicChat Standard Design
Unlimited Usage Access
Unlimited Vertical Markets
iconic Travel

For all travel related businesses. Examples of these businesses could be hotels, lodging, travel booking businesses, tours, ride share, car rentals, airlines, airports, buses, cruises, taxis, trains, terminals and more.
iconicChat Standard Design
Unlimited Usage Access
Unlimited Vertical Markets